Course Description

  • Overview

    This course provides an introduction to the key skills and underpinning knowledge required to effectively manage adrenal response to avoid freezing and panicking and ultimately to perform more effectively in stressful situations.

  • Goal & Objective

    This short, intensive and informative Stressful Situation Response (SSR) program is designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge to manage your adrenal response effectively and perform more efficiently if you are involved in a stressful or threatening situation.

  • Course Duration

    Est. hours to complete : 0.7 Hour

The following topics will be covered:

  • What adrenal response is

  • How adrenal response affects us

  • Adrenal response management (managing flight and fight responses)

  • How to cope better in stressful situations

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Welcome to the Stressful Situation Response Course

    • How to use this course

    • SSR Covid-19 Introduction by Dr Gav Schneider

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Introduction to Stressful Situation Response

    • Overview

    • Lesson 1: Introduction to adrenal response management

    • WHO Public Advice Print Out

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Stressful Situation Part 1

    • Overview of Part 1

    • Lesson 1: Stressful Situation Response Part 1

    • Chapter 3 Print Out

    • Lesson 2: Cartoon Video

    • Chapter 3 Knowledge Quiz

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Stressful Situation Response Part 2

    • Overview of Part 2

    • Lesson 1: Stressful Situation Response Part 2

    • Chapter 4 Print Out

    • Lesson 2: Cartoon Video

    • Chapter 4 Knowledge Test

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Conclusion

    • Conclusion Video

  • 6

    Next Steps...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...



Group CEO, Risk 2 Solution

Dr Gav Schneider

Acknowledged Risk Leader 

Dr Gav is the Group CEO of Risk 2 Solution and is an acknowledged subject matter expert on human based risk management and the psychology of risk. He is a highly experienced, security, safety, emergency and risk specialist with decades of experience. 

Dr Gav has conducted business in over 17 countries and provided a wide range of services for a very diverse client base, ranging from heads of state to school teachers. He is a leading academic in his field and heads up the Post Graduate Psychology of Risk program at the Australian Catholic University (ACU). 

He is also the author of the highly acclaimed ‘Can I See your Hands: A Guide to Situational Awareness, Personal Risk Management, Resilience and Security’ available for purchase, here. Dr Gav has been recognised for his work and was the RMIA Risk Consultant of the Year for 2019 and one of the top twenty global thought leaders in fire and security in the IFSEC Global Security & Fire Influencer Awards. 

Education and Training

  • Doctor of Criminology
  • Certificate in Disruptive Strategy (Harvard Business School) 
  • Master of Technology in Security and Risk Management 
  • Graduate Diploma in Management (Learning) & Strategic Leadership 
  • Advanced Diploma in Integrated Risk

Learn how to effectively manage stressful situations with this short course.